Sunday, September 12, 2010





9月10日上午,江西省抚州市宜黄县凤冈镇强拆引发一起自焚事件,三人被烧成重伤。据媒体报道,被强拆的是钟氏三兄弟的一栋三层小楼,还未谈好拆迁条 件,就被当地政府下令停止供水供电了。钟家三人自焚后,县领导、警察与城管40多人袖手旁观。有家属想上楼救人,被他们扯着头发拖回,警察拒绝用警车救 人。

公民用生命捍卫自己的财产权和土地使用权,已经不是第一次。去年发生的一个典型事件,是成都市金牛区城管执法局强拆一栋私 房,导致女企业家唐福珍自焚。与宜黄县不同,当时成都市金牛区的公务人员对自焚的唐福珍还进行了抢救。这一次,宜黄县的公务人员面对自焚袖手旁观,自己不 救人不说,还阻止亲属救人,表现了一种无情绝义的态度。




我们不难体味其中的官民心态:被拆近者自焚,意味着绝望,但绝望中抱着希望,希望自焚能够唤回公务人员的基本良知。公务人员对自焚袖手旁观,代表着冷 血,甚至是对被拆迁者的憎恨。这一点,从他们阻止自焚者家属救人、警察拒绝警车救人可以看出端倪。为什么要恨?因为自焚者妨碍了他们的“施政”,影响到他 们早出政绩、快出政绩。




The construction of the runway to take off back to back with two analog slide jump deck, built in the main runway ends at the end of the deck has two simulated landing, the landing above the block layout of a claim. The southwest corner of the airport has 24 hangar, from which estimated the future, "Kuznetsov" was the number of carrier aircraft.

Aircraft carrier is a very complex large units, thousands of sailors and pilots must go through specialized training to adapt to their jobs. No experience with aircraft carriers for the country, to let the aircraft carrier as accurate as Swiss watches is extremely difficult operation. Thus, for no aircraft carriers can not resort to others countries, it is best to build a high degree of land-based analog simulation of aircraft, aircraft carriers and carrier aircraft involving the talents needed in the operations are centralized training to enable them to personal experience to the actual operation of the aircraft carrier. The new aircraft carrier equipment in the shortest possible time to enter all state training and accelerate the formation of combat capability. There is no doubt that China is doing, according to Google Maps show that China now has at least three aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft testing / training system, in addition to beginning of this article said Xingcheng training base, there is a cement base in Wuhan, the simulated aircraft carrier, expected to be charged for the detection of aircraft carriers and electronic equipment operation; in the northwest to a certain training base at the airport there is a simulated flight deck sliding leaps, personal analysis is used to imitate Soviet Navy carrier aircraft test flight -33. According to the author read the Ukraine, local media reported, according to China and Ukraine in July 2009, signed an agreement in late September 2009, 18 officers from the Chinese Air Force began in Ukraine Kharkov Air Force University (ХУВС) training , while at least three batches of Chinese technical personnel to Ukraine for a three-month simulated aircraft carrier deck automation control system technology and ground maintenance system training.

 Satellite map, it Xingcheng Chrysanthemum Island base. From the Google satellite map shows the construction of this base in the beach with large dock that can accommodate aircraft carriers and other large warships. The beach building has a military airport, with two landing runways and several taxiways and approach roads.

 The construction of the runway to take off back to back with two analog slide jump deck, built in the main runway ends at the end of the deck has two simulated landing, the landing above the block layout of a claim. The southwest corner of the airport has 24 hangar, from which estimated the future, "Kuznetsov" was the number of carrier aircraft.

Short track flight deck of the north side of the sliding leaps construction site, the central estimate is blocked off afterburner flame board and block devices.

Short track flight deck of the south side of the sliding leaps construction site, this building off the runway than the north side of the sliding back to back long jump over the deck

 Using the Google Maps flight mode observed this aircraft training at the airport, particularly interesting, actually there is a gradient of the runway, built on a small hill. I began to think that this is to simulate an aircraft carrier at sea in the vertical and horizontal shaking, then that someone told me that this is specific to Google maps The distortion of fact, the ground is flat.

 CCTV capture exposure to the Chinese navy carrier aircraft integrated electronic display and landing guidance system
Aircraft carrier, a matter of passionate terms, and placed the dream of several generations of Chinese naval officers and men, the accumulation of the numerous patriotic military fan enthusiasm. Today, China has not only started the construction of aircraft carriers, but also from the whole set of training and operational systems supporting a complete step by step, as a coincides with China's large aircraft carriers into the era of the military enthusiasts, and finally wait for China to open the navy aircraft carrier deter foreign thieves, seeking the national interest , I am extremely pleased and proud.